The WizzTots Advantages

Welcome and Free Play : Children are welcomed into a warm, beautifully set-up classroom filled with energizing music. Through play and social interactions, children channelize their energies and settle into the environment.

Circle Time : Circle time is a daily routine that energizes children and fosters a sense of community. As part of the circle time, children engage in agenda setting, poem sing-alongs, storytelling, and discussions on unit specific things.
Station time : Station time is planned by educators to provide children with opportunities to build skills, and pique their curiosity in different areas. Educators design 3 to 4 stations centered around sensory exploration, fine motor skills, read-a loud, art and design explorations, music, and pretend-play.
Outdoor Play : Play group children spend 30 minutes everyday in the indoor gym or the outdoor play area participating in activities focused on strengthening their physical skills – yoga exercise and activity.
Snack time : Snack time is an opportunity for educators to model healthy food habits and discuss different types of foods being eaten in the class.
Reflection Time : After an exhausting and eventful day, children and educators gather to recollect their energy and experiences. Reflection time is an opportunity to discuss the activities of the day, participate in storytelling, or sing unit-specific rhymes.

Soft Gym
The sensory gymnasium is every child’s favorite space at WizzTots . It is filled with open-ended and structured challenges that change every week. Children strengthen physical skills and social skills as they walk on balancing beams, wobble on river stone gongs, fall on crash mats, climb on rock walls, jump under parachutes, ride scooters, swing on zip lines, and hang on wellbore.
Outdoor Play Spaces
WizzTots is equipped with 3 types of outdoor spaces - active, social, and experimental. In the active play area, children have access to open-ended play equipment where they develop their gross-motor skills through cycling, crawling and climbing on mounds. The outdoor social area is an interactive and collaborative space with a sand pit, water tub and a pretend play area. In the experimental outdoor area, children experiment with materials that evoke their multiple senses.
Art and Design Station
The art and design station, equipped with easels and traditional chabudai, allows children to engage with a range of tools and materials to explore textures and create expressive arts and crafts. Children explore a range of paints such as powder, poster, acrylic, dye, tablet, and oil paints and tools such as stamps, sponges, and brayer rollers.
Sensory Station
Interesting wall and interactive installations as well as natural, synthetic, and montessori materials are a part of this station. These sensory experiences are an opportunity for children to express their emotions and interests. Designed to deepen a child’s conceptual understanding of the world, this station allows children to immerse in smelling and tasting experiences, listening activities, and touch and feel games.
Block Station
Equipped with child-friendly blocks of different sizes, shapes, and textures, this station encourages children to tinker and recreate their thoughts and interpretations of the world. Educators encourage children to build and talk about their creations and help support language and physical development. Children get to play with lego blocks, tube blocks, spiral blocks, 3D and 2D puzzles, foam blocks, magnetic blocks and much more.

Pretend Play Station
Pretend play helps children make sense of their world by enacting their abstract thoughts into concrete actions. This station is furnished with props and costumes that can be used to recreate various settings such as a kitchen, a wash area, a shop, a hospital, a restaurant or a super market. Children enact scenarios that they have witnessed, participated in, or imagined.
Storytime Care
The Storytime Station is a reef of imagination and calm in the classroom. Here, children have access to age-appropriate books that need little to no adult supervision such as texture books and picture books. Help children build their vocabulary and their understanding of the world. Educators use music and movement to support children in their pronunciation of simple words.

Music Station
At this station, children have access to a wide variety of age-appropriate musical instruments, including keyboards, string instruments, wind and brass instruments, and percussion instruments. They experiment with making sounds by shaking, banging, and plucking materials. They slowly understand loudness, tempo, and basic rhythm which further cognitive development.
Learning through play-based inquiry
Play is a means to early learning that capitalizes on children’s natural curiosity and exuberance. We believe that children learn best when they can inquire into areas of their interest through meaningful interactions with adults and peers. Engaging young children through play-based inquiry helps create a natural love for learning in them. Wizz Tots, educators embed opportunities for learning through play - indoors and outdoors, through structured and unstructured play. Play helps children build strong communication skills, self-regulation, social skills, persistence, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Making thinking and learning visible
Young children’s understanding is apparent in what they say, what they do, and what they depict. Therefore educators at Wizz Tots constantly strive towards encouraging children to express, share, and perform their understanding. They document information about children’s learning through notes, photos, video and voice recordings, and interactions with children. Educators put together Learning Stories.
Building responsive relationships
We believe learning takes place in the context of relationships. When relationships are supportive, children are able to demonstrate their intelligence, creativity, and problem solving abilities. It is the role of the educator to facilitate positive relationships between the adults and children involved in the classroom. Our educators focus on creating supportive social structures that underlie every interaction and learning experience at Wizz Tots. These supportive social structures reduce problem behavior and create conditions for competent behavior in children.
Areas of development At WizzTots we understand and appreciate each child’s individuality and unique development process. Our whole child development framework focuses on developing foundational skills in children. The learning objectives to be achieved across each of these areas of development are mentioned below.
Physical Development • Demonstrating balancing skills • Demonstrating gross motor manipulative skills • Demonstrating fine motor strength and coordination
Cognitive Development
• Demonstrating positive approaches to learning • Remembering and connecting experiences • Using classification skills • Using symbols and images to represent something not present

Social-Emotional Development
• Regulating own emotions and behaviors • Establishing and sustaining positive relationships • Participating cooperatively and constructively in group situations • Demonstrating knowledge about self

Listening to and understanding increasingly language
• Using language to express thoughts and needs • Using appropriate conversational and other communication skills • word recognition
The Arts
• Exploring the visual arts • Exploring dance and movement concepts • Exploring drama through actions and language • Listening to and discriminating between difference in sounds
Engaging all senses • Our schools are designed to provide children a variety of layered experiences on a daily basis • Our schools have a wide variety of learning spaces designed to engage all senses of children. Learning environments are divided into well labelled spaces for art, design, pretend-play, block play, water play, sand play, math, writing, storytelling, music, and free play. These varied learning spaces provide children with a broad range of learning experiences and help maximize discovery and problem-solving.